The area occupied by eucalypts in Galicia (NW Spain) is currently more than 400,000 ha, with the most widespread species being blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus Labill). Every year about 4 million cubic metres of E. globulus are felled in Galicia, representing almost 40% of the harvest volume of all species in Spain and approximately 75% of the harvest volume of the species in the country
This website provides a tool for estimating growth and production in volume, biomass and carbon content of first rotation E. globulus plantations in Galicia (NW Spain)
The EucaTool® application
EucaTool® is only applicable to regular first rotation Eucalyptus globulus stands in NW Spain, of age between 3 and 21 years, with dominant tree heights up to 40 m and diameters of up to 70 cm
Where can it be applied?
Regular, clonal and non-clonal first rotation Eucalyptus globulus stands in Galicia (NW Spain), aged between 3 and 21 years, with dominant tree heights up to 40 m and diameters up to 70 cm. EucaTool® is not applicable to Eucalyptus nitens plantations in the region
Why was it developed?
To provide forest stakeholders (owners, companies, administration, scientists, teachers, students, etc.) with a free, easy-to-use application designed to estimate production and evaluate different management options for eucalyptus plantations in Galicia (NW Spain)
How was it developed?
A network of 128 plots covering the entire area of distribution of the species in Galicia was established and measured three times (at one-year intervals), and 87 sample trees were also cut, chopped and measured. The data obtained were fitted to several equations, which together form a dynamic model of growth and production for the Eucalyptus globulus plantations in Galicia. The model is implemented in the application
What is it used for?
EucaTool® allows estimation of
- Volume (with and without bark), biomass and carbon, current and future
- Growth in volume, biomass and carbon
- Changes in dominant height, basal area and density (number of trees per ha)
- Plantation productivity (site index)
- Rotation age (maximum volume income rotation age)